Gear - A toothed wheel that works with others to alter the relation between the speed of an engine and the speed of the driven parts, Mechanism - The part of a machine which contains two or more pieces arranged so that the motion of one compels the motion of the others., Robotics - Technology dealing with the design, construction, and operation of robots in automation., Drive Gear - The gear which transmits power and motion to the rest of the system. The input gear., Torque - A twisting force., Gear Ratio - The ratio of the speed of the driving member of a gear train to that of the driven member., Idler Gear - A gear between the driver and the driven gear used to change rotational direction., Worm & Wheel - A mechanical arrangement consisting of a toothed wheel driven by a short revolving cylinder bearing a screw thread., Rotary Motion - Circular movement., Cam & Follower - A pear-shaped disk with an off-center pivot point, used to change rotating motion into reciprocating motion.,

2/15/22 P1 Robotics Bellringer


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