bake - to cook in an oven, boil - to cook in boiling water, carve - to cut slices or small pieces from a large piece of cooked meat, cook - to prepare food for eating, dice - to cut food into small cubes or squares, fry - to cook food in hot oil, butter or fat, grease - to rub butter or oil onto a baking pan or dish to stop food from sticking, herb - a plant used for adding flavour to food, mash - to crush food like cooked potato until it's a smooth mass, mix  - to combine two or more substances, pinch  - a very small amount of something like salt or ground spice, prepare  - to make food ready for cooking or eating, roast - to cook foods like meat and vegetables in an oven, serve - to give someone food that's been prepared or a drink, sprinkle - to add a few drops of liquid or a substance like salt or pepper by shaking a container or by using your fingers, stir - to move a spoon or other implement around to mix something, tablespoon - a large spoon used for serving, or the amount of an ingredient that fits in one, whisk - to mix something very quickly with a whisk,


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