a comparison of two things that are essentially different, usually using the words like or as - Simile, the use of language to create mental images and sensory impressions. Imagery can be used for emotional effect and to intensify. impact on the reader. - Imagery, the pattern of rhyming lines (e.g., ABAB, ABBA) - Rhyme scheme, repetition of the same consonant sound at the beginning of two or more adjacent or proximal words - Alliteration, two or more words that have the same or similar ending sounds - Rhyme, the use of words that sound like what they mean; a poetic device to produce this effect - Onomatopoeia, a visual (with space) division of a poem possibly characterized by meter, rhyme, and number of lines - Stanza, intentional and deliberate use of organizational patterns, text and graphic features, sentence structures, devices, and language to create an effective written work; author’s craft may vary by genre - Author’s craft, the reason an author writes about a particular topic (e.g., to persuade, to entertain, to inform, to explain, to analyze, etc.); the reason an author includes particular details, features, or devices in a work - Author’s purpose, language not intended to be taken literally but layered with meaning through the use of imagery, metaphors, and other literary devices - Figurative language, a specific convention or structure—such as imagery, irony, or foreshadowing—that is employed by the author to produce a given effect - Literary device, the regular or predictable arrangement of sections or lines of poetry - Pattern of verse, literary works focused on the expression of feelings and ideas through a distinctive style that is often rhythmical and may have elements such as meter, rhyme, and stanzas - Poetry, the perspective from which the events in the story are told - Point of view, a device used by authors to create meaning through sound and help readers develop visual images - Sound device, the central or universal idea of a literary work that often relates to morals and/or values and speaks to the human experience/condition - Theme, a specific subject, idea, or issue that is the focus of a discussion, essay, article, or other work - Topic, articulation or expression in coherent form, either verbally or in a piece of writing - Voice, the author’s thoughtful use of precise vocabulary to fully convey meaning to the reader - Word choice,

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