If cooled to 70 F in two (2) hours, then - Four (4) hours to cool to 41 F., If cooled to 110 F in two (2) hours, then - Two (2) hours to cool to 41 F., Best method to thaw food - In the refrigerator, Best method to thaw hamburger patties - As part of the cooking process., If thawing food by microwave, - Cook immediately after thawing., When using running water to thaw, - Use cool (70 F or lower) water, Never thaw food at - Room temperature (TDZ), A method to cool food quickly - Ice water bath., Minimum internal temperature of reheating TCS food - 165 F, A frozen container used to cool soups and stews. - Ice paddle, A HVAC unit that rapidly cools food - Blast chiller, Altering appearance of food with additives, lighting or coloring dye - Never do this., Water used to wash produce should be - Warmer than the produce, Must have a variance for - Smoking food for preservation, ROP foods, curing foods, live shellfish, sprouting seeds and others., Expiration limit for TCS foods - Seven days,

Prepping, thawing and cooling foods



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