What would you do if a scientist discovered the secret to immortality? , What would you do if you were Bill Gates? , What would you do if you had to have both of your legs removed in an operation? , What would you do if you noticed that a colleague at work was drinking to much? , What would you do if you were invited to a really good concert by someone you didn`t like? , What would you do if you met your English teacher drunk at a disco? , What would you do if you found extra money in your account? , What would you do if you got obscene (əbˈsiːn) phone calls? əbˈsiːn -offensive, rude, related to sex. , What would you do if you were robbed while being on holiday? , What would you do if you saw a mother beating badly her four-year-old child in the street? , What would you do if your five-year-old child asked you "Where was I ten years ago?" , What would you do if you found out that you only have 24 hours to live? .

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