天气 - weather, 怎么样 - how, 比 - than, 昨天  - yesterday, 觉得 - to feel, to think, 好喝 - good to drink, drinkable, 天气很好 - the weather is very nice, 天气怎么样 - how is the weather, 今天比昨天热 - today is hotter than yesterday, 昨天很热 - yesterday was very hot, 我昨天去商店了 - I went to the store yesterday., 觉得很热 - feel very hot, 觉得很好  - feel very good, 很好喝 - very drinkable/ very good to drink, 北京天气怎么样? - How is the weather in Beijing?, 冷 - cold, 热 - hot, 北京 - BEijing, 纽约 - New York, 冰水 - ice water,

YCT 2 Lesson 7


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