a position on a topic or issue largely based upon logic, reasoning, and evidence - Argument, an assertion or position on a topic or issue - Claim, specific details or facts that support an inference or idea - Evidence, a truth that is verifiable - Fact, an intentional and extreme exaggeration for emphasis or effect (e.g., this book weighs a ton) - Hyperbole, a view, judgment, or appraisal about a particular matter - Opinion, restate the meaning of something in different words. Paraphrasing alters the exact wording of the source and transmits its ideas or information without evaluation or interpretation. - Paraphrase, a researched source from the time in which an event being studied occurred (e.g., letters, speeches, diaries, surveys, fieldwork, personal interviews, etc.) - Primary source, a researched source that is a step removed from the original accounts of an event or experience (e.g., scholarly articles, journalism, reference books such as encyclopedias, history books, textbooks, reviews, criticisms, etc.) - Secondary source, a page that appears at the end of a research paper that lists all sources referenced in the body of the paper (Note: A bibliography is a list of all sources used in the research whether cited in the research paper or not.) - Works cited page,

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