body language - communication with your body movement and gestures, commission - a special group of people put together to investigate or research something, diagram - a drawing that shows the different parts of something and how they work together, estimate - make an educated guess about something, extrovert - someone who gets energy from other people, eye contact - when people look directly into each other’s eyes, facial expression - how you move your face to show emotions, insecure - not confident; unsure, introvert - someone who needs time alone to get energy, mess up - to make a mistake, mind’s eye - an expression for how you imagine or picture something, paragraph - groups of sentences that connect to each other, percentage - a portion of a whole expressed as a number between 0 and 100, using this symbol: %, personality - the combination of things that make you unique, posture - the way you position your body, problem-solving - the skill of being able to understand an fix a problem, regardless - despite; something done without thinking other things, revise - to correct something, self-image - how you see yourself how you see yourself , self-management - the skills of being able to take care of things in your life,

Week 9 Vocabulary Practice



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