Can you say three things you can do online?, Can you say the days of the week in the right order?, Can you say three things you can do with your mobile?, Can you say three things you can’t do in a library?, Can you say three things you have in your bag?, Can you spell these numbers correctly? a) 8 b) 15 c) 30, Can you say three places where you can’t use your mobile?, Can you remember your phone number in English?, Can you remember the opposites of these adjectives? a) fast b) strong c) dangerous, Can you count down from 20 to 1?, Can you name 7 colors in English?, Can you name 7 jobs in English?, Can you say 5 words in the past form?, Can you say 5 words that starts with D?, Can you remember 5 vegetables?, Can you name 7 body parts in English?, Can you name 10 animals in English?.


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