How do you like to spend your evenings? ...... (What do you do?) ...... (Why?), Do you prefer to spend time on your own or with other people? ...... (Why?), Tell us about a film you really like., Do you like cooking? ...... (What sort of things do you cook?), Do you normally celebrate special occasions with friends or family? ...... (Why?), Tell us about a famous festival or celebration you enjoy in Brazil., What did you do on your last birthday?, Are you going to do anything special this weekend? ...... (Where are you going to go?) ...... (What are you going to do?), How much TV do you watch in a week? ...... (Would you prefer to watch more TV than that or less?) ...... (Why?), Tell us about a TV programme you’ve seen recently., Do you use the internet much? ...... (Why? / Why not?), Do you ever listen to the radio? ...... (What programmes do you like?) ...... (Why?), What have you done during the quarantine that you didn't use to do before?, What have you stopped doing during the quarantine that you miss the most?, If you could have your dream job, what would it be like? ......(job/salary/place/working hours)....., If you won a dream holiday with all expenses paid for 2, where would you go? Who with?.



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