1) Who is the best example of an absolutist king?  a) Roberspiere b) Napoleon c) Louis XVI d) Louis XIV e) Montesquieu f) Edward Thompson  2) Which is the cause of the French Revolution?  a) The hatred of the lower classes against the Nobility and the King  b) The rise of the bourgessie c) All of them d) The raising taxes  e) The Enlightenment  f) The American Revolution 3) Is Napoleon part of this revolution?  a) Yes b) No c) Both options are correct, as long as you justify 4) Who are some of its main characters? a) Louis XVI, Mary Antoinette, Liniers, Charles Martel and Javier Milei b) France, Britain, Spain, Netherlands and Denmark c) Louis XIV, Emanuel Macron, Louis XVI, France and Mary Antoinette d) Louis XIV, Feudalism, Christianism, the Enclousure Acts and the Working Class e) Louis XVI, Mary Antoinette, Roberspierre, the Estates General and the Enlightenment  f) King George, Napoleon, Roberspierre, women and Edward Thompson 5) Which is the consequence of the French Revolution? a) The American Revolution b) Declaration of the Rights of The Man and the Citizen c) Declaration of the Rights of the Woman d) Free trade e) The Reign of Terror f) Option "B" and "C" are correct, but there are much more  6) When and where did it start?  a) 1789, France b) 1879, France c) 1780, Britain d) 1897, London, France  e) 1789, United States f) 1830, Paris, France 7) How did it change the World? a) Equality, free trade, absolutist government and declaration of laws, among others   b) Equality, liberty, fraternity and constitutional government, among others  c) Enlightenment and free trade  d) Equality, liberty, fraternity, constitutional government, declaration of laws and independence of the United States, among others  e) No taxation without representation f) Freedom of expresion 8) Which of the following events did not happen during the French Revolution? a) Seize of the Bastille b) Reign of Terror c) Declation of the Rights of the Man and the Citizen  d) Enclosure acts e) Declation of the Rights of the Woman f) Royal family tries to escape to Austria 9) What was the Third Estate in favour of? a) Constitutional government  b) Lowering taxes  c) Enlightenment ideas  d) Absolutism e) Options "D" and "F" are wrong f) Options "A", "B", "C" and "D" are correct  10) Did the Third Estate achieve their goal? a) Yes b) No  c) Temporary

History Game - French Revolution



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