1) what blood type is this ?  a) AB b) B+ c) A+ d) AB+ e) O+ f) O- 2) where are small fragments located on gel electropesis? a) top b) bottom c) middle d) halfway at the bottom  e) there are none f) there are only big fragments 3) what type of fingerprint is shown? a) whorl b) delta c) arch d) loop e) core f) tented arch 4) what should blood samples be stored in? a) plastic bag  b) cardboard box  c) glass bottle d) aluminum e) paper items f) in your hands 5) what does a presumptive test do ? a) how old blood is b) what type of blood is presented c) how warm blood is d) identify if a stain is e) identify if a stain is blood  6) what could happen if the wrong blood types are mixed? a) agglutination/clumping of blood  b) everything is fine c) the body will push out the wrong blood  d) the person will throw up  e) blood will come out the eyes 7) what is an antibody? a) what your are b) your arms and legs c) protiens in the plasma to fight against other blood types d) surface proteins   e) all the above f) lets other blood types in 8) what type of fingerprint is shown?  a) delta b) arch c) loop d) whorl e) simple arch f) dot 9) what is DNA cut with? a) razor b) an ax  c) restriction enzymes d) scissors e) tweezers  f) broken apart with hands  10) what do the numbers at the bottom of the diagram show? a) how many times STR & VNTRs repeat  b) how many base pairs there are  c) how many times STRs repeat  d) how many times VNTRs repeat  e) all the above f) none



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