acquire  - to get or come to own something, attain  - to reach a mark of achievement (ex: a goal, power, a good reputation, etc.), cerebral lateralization - when the 2 halves of your brain specialize in particular functions, cognitive  - describes things related to thinking, comprehensible  - describes something that can be understood, counterexamples  - an example that is an argument or the opposite of what someone was saying, dispute - an argument, feral  - describe a wild, untamed animal or someone who has qualities similar to a wild animal, fundamental  - describes something that is the foundation; the core; essential, hemisphere  - half of a sphere (ball), hypothesis  - an educated guess; an informed idea that you test, implication  - something that is suggested, or happens, indirectly, justify  - to make excuses for one's actions; to explain why you did something, phenomenon  - an extraordinary occurrence or circumstance, predictor  - information that supports an idea of what might happen in the future, proponent  - someone who is in favor of something; someone argues for something, stimulation  - something that causes an action or response, the long run - over or after a long period of time; eventually,

Week 13 Winter



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