1) How had Claudia originally planned on getting from the train station to the Met Museum? a) another train b) Uber c) taxi 2) How far was it from Grand Central Station to the Met Museum? a) 40 blocks b) 2 blocks c) 500 blocks 3) How did Claudia and Jamie walk? a) didn't walk, they took a bus. b) Jamie in front c) side-by-side 4) About how many people visit the Metropolitan Museum on an average Wednesday? a) 26,000 b) 100,000 c) 10,000 5) How much does it cost to go to the Metropolitan Museum of Art? a) $5.00 per person b) nothing - it's free c) $20.00 per person 6) Which of these IS allowed at the museum? a) sketchbooks b) bags c) umbrellas 7) How did Claudia plan on reentering the museum that afternoon? a) through an open window in the bathroom b) through the front door again c) through the Children's Museum 8) Where did Claudia and Jamie eat lunch? a) a hotdog vendor b) the snack bar c) Tavern on the Green 9) What happened as they were trying to figure out where they were going to sleep? a) Their mother came rushing in. b) They became a team. c) The guard came and kicked them out. 10) How did they get past the guard with their music cases? a) What guard? There's no guards at the Met Museum. b) They told him they had a music lesson at the museum. c) They ran through his legs. 11) True or False: Jamie is usually trying to spend money a) True b) False 12) True or False: Claudia is happy to have Jamie on the adventure a) True b) False 13) True or False: Claudia and Jamie have similar personalities, casuing why they argue often a) True b) False 14) True or False: Jamie wasn't actually cheating when he played cards with his friend. a) True b) False 15) True or False: Jamie is happy to have to hide in the bathroom after the museum closes a) True b) False

MUFBEF- Chap 3



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