1) What is the meaning of the root "aqua"? a) sea b) water c) ocean d) blue 2) What is the meaning of the root "aud"? a) car b) self c) hearing d) to move 3) What is the meaning of the root "bio"? a) life b) self c) two d) person 4) What is the meaning of the root "cred"? a) to rule b) to convince c) above d) to believe 5) What is the meaning of the root "rupt"? a) fear b) to break c) to open d) to throw 6) What is the meaning of the root "dorm"? a) sleep b) to live c) to believe d) life 7) What is the meaning of the root "geo"? a) life b) earth c) study d) people 8) What is the meaning of the root "phobia"? a) fear or intense dislike b) earth c) to believe d) to break 9) What is the meaning of the root "ject"? a) to break b) to believe c) to throw d) to move

Bellringer: Root Review (Set #4)


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