1) If teens work part-time, they won't do well in school. a) I agree b) I don't agree c) It depends 2) If kids play violent games, they will become violent themselves. a) I agree b) I don't agree c) It depends 3) If people decrease their screen time, they'll talk more with their families. a) I agree b) I don't agree c) It depends 4) If a child has brothers and sisters, he or she won't ever feel lonely. a) I agree b) I don't agree c) It depends 5) If there is a heavy fine for littering, our streets will be much cleaner. a) I agree b) I don't agree c) It depends 6) If people work only three days a week, their lives will improve. a) I agree b) I don't agree c) It depends 7) If teens have a lot of freedom, they will get in trouble more often. a) I agree b) I don't agree c) It depends

First conditional - agreeing and disagreeing


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