1) Choose the correct answer a) Are you Margareta? b) You are Margareta? c) Is you Margareta? 2) Choose the correct answer a) Am I in Room 3? b) I am in Room 3? c) Are I in Room 3? 3) Choose the correct answer a) He be from Egypt. b) He from Egypt. c) He's from Egypt. 4) Choose the correct answer a) She Mexican. b) She are Mexican. c) She's Mexican. 5) Choose the correct answer a) Are your parents Spanish? b) Your parents are they Spanish? c) Your parents Spanish? 6) Choose the correct answer a) What your name? b) What's your name? c) What are your name? 7) Choose the correct answer a) Lisa not a teacher. b) Lisa isn't a teacher. c) Lisa aren't a teacher. 8) Choose the correct answer a) We is Chinese. b) We be Chinese. c) We are Chinese. 9) Choose the correct answer a) Is Jorge married? b) Jorge is married? c) Are Jorge married? 10) Choose the correct answer a) That my bag. b) That's my bag. c) That be my bag. 11) Choose the correct answer a) They not are students. b) They not students. c) They aren't students. 12) Is your father tall? 'No...isn't.' a) he b) it c) they 13) Are Renata and Aneta in your class? 'No,...aren't.'  a) they b) we c) you 14) 'Is that car American?' 'Yes,...is.' a) he b) it c) she 15) I....computer and MP3 player, but I....computer with me. a) has got, has not got b) have got, have not got c) have got, has not got 16) 'Is Henri French?' 'Yes,...is?' a) they b) he c) it 17) ....she got a brother? Yes, she... a) Have, does b) Has, has c) Does, does 18) 'Are...Roberto?' 'Yes,I am.' a) she b) he c) you 19) We're Egyptian....family is from Cairo. a) You b) Their c) Our 20) 'What's...name'? 'I'm Alexa.' a) his b) your c) my 21) She is German. ..... surname's Fischer. a) His b) Our c) Her 22) He's from Beijing. .... name's Hao. a) His b) Her c) My 23) My aunt and uncle.....in Ukraine a) live b) lives c) are living 24) Look! The bus... a) is coming b) comes c) are coming d) does come 25) The kids...a song at the moment a) are singing b) is singing c) sings d) sing 26) They live in Chicago. ....address is 21, Rockwell Street. a) Their b) His c) Her 27) Those cats...with a ball, they.... now a) aren't playing, are sleeping b) don't play, sleeping c) isn't playing, is sleeping 28) He usually ...to work by bus a) goes b) go c) is going 29) Hi! ...name's Carlos. a) Our b) My c) Her 30) My sister....speak Chinese a) don't speak b) doesn't speak c) doesn't speaks 31) Which is the correct plural? a) one watch  b) two watches  c) two watchs 32) My cousin ... TV every night a) watching b) watches c) watch 33) one photo  a) two photoes b) two photo c) two photos 34) ...she... in the hospital? a) Do, work b) Is, works c) Does, work 35) one dictionary a) two dictionaries b) two dictionarys c) two dictionary 36) one person a) two persons b) two peoples c) two people 37) one man a) two man b) two men c) two mans  38) one child  a) two children b) two childs c) two childrens 39) Which is the number? Choose A, B or C. four  a) 4 b) 5 c) 8 40) twenty a) 12 b) 20 c) 15 41) first a) 9 b) 7 c) 1 42) twelve a) 11 b) 12 c) 20 43) second a) 2 b) 9 c) 17 44) fifteen a) 15 b) 16 c) 17 45) nine a) 5 b) 9 c) 19 46) Complete the days of the week. T...esday a) a b) o c) u 47) Sat...rday a) e b) u c) i 48) Th...rsday a) i b) e c) u 49) She's Spanish She's from... a) Spain b) Spaine c) Spanish 50) They're from Poland. They're... a) Poland b) Polish c) poland 51) We're Japanese. We're from... a) Japan b) Japon c) Jappan 52) It's from Turkey. It's... a) Turkish b) Turkese c) Turkian 53) Translate the words. brother a) сестра b) брат c) тітка d) мама 54) girlfriеnd a) дівчина b) друг c) сестра d) тато 55) husbаnd a) тато b) брат c) чоловік d) дядько 56) mоther a) бабуся b) сестра c) мама 57) січень a) June b) January c) March 58) липень a) September b) July c) December 59) purple a) фіолетовийй b) червоний c) чорний 60) green a) жовтий b) зелений c) рожевий 61) magazine a) магазин b) журнал c) малювання 62) wallet a) годинник b) зошит c) гаманець 63) car a) машина b) камера c) кіт 64) family a) фламінго b) сім`я c) друзі 65) packpack a) коробка b) книжка c) рюкзак


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