analyze - to study or examine something carefully, candidate - anyone being considered for a position or opportunity of some sort, cover - to learn about; to talk about or “go over” something, credit - the amount of points you get for something (from your bank, from a class, etc), critical thinking - to think deeply about something, considering all the arguments logically, draw conclusions - to make a decision about something after looking at the evidence; to finish your thoughts, drop - to stop doing something; to let something go, element - one part of something, evaluate - to make a judgment; to think about something's value, fault - a mistake made by ignorance, bad judgment, or inattention, focus - to pay attention, judgement - the ability to understand something, form an opinion, and reach a decision, lounge - a waiting area or an area where people can sit around, observation - the act of looking at something and noticing things about it, overcome - to succeed in doing something difficult, prejudice - a negative attitude towards someone or something (often based on race or ethnicity); usually seen as close-minded, relate - to connect, sense of humor - the ability to make jokes or to enjoy jokes, syllabus - a document that outlines everything that will be covered in a class, prediction - describes something that will happen soon,

Spring - Week 1 Vocabulary



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