activate - to start something; to turn something on, addictive - describes something that makes people want it to an unhealthy level, appreciate - to recognize the value of something, aspect - one part of something, basis - the the main reason; the established foundation, boost - to help lift something up, charity - an organization that helps people by giving them something, contagious - describes something easily spread; usually an illness, cooperate - to work together with someone, cunningly - describes doing something in a clever but secretive way; sneaky, demonstrate - to show something or how something is done, humanitarian - describes someone or something concerned about all people, lift someone’s spirits - to make someone feel happier, mechanism - a process or tool set up to accomplish a particular goal, reap - to enjoy the benefits of something you did; to gather crops, reciprocity - a situation where each enjoys an equal benefit from the relationship, selfless - describes someone who thinks about others more than themselves, set off - to cause something to start and grow bigger, tackle - to deal with something challenging; to grab someone and throw them down, term - to name something in an official way,

Spring Vocabulary - Week 2



Flip tiles is an open-ended template. It does not generate scores for a leaderboard.

Visual style


Switch template

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