1) The repetition of sounds at the beginning of words, usually consonant sounds. a) Assonance b) Alliteration c) Onomatopoeia d) Hyperbole 2) The repetition of vowel sounds within words. a) Alliteration b) Hyperbole c) Assonance d) Allusion 3) Comparing two things using “like” or “as”. a) Simile b) Alliteration c) Repetition d) Oxymoron 4) Comparing two things NOT using “like” or “as”. a) Metaphor b) Paradox c) Anaphora d) Allusion 5) Giving human characteristics to something that is non-human. a) Paradox b) Pun c) Alliteration d) Personification 6) Extreme exaggeration. a) Onomatopoeia b) Hyperbole c) Simile d) Pun 7) Repeating something. a) Repetition b) Paradox c) Allusion d) Personification 8) Sounds written out in word form. a) Anaphora b) Simile c) Pun d) Onomatopoeia 9) A hint at another work of literature or a reference to some other known work. a) Allusion b) Simile c) Assonance d) Oxymoron 10) A statement that logically may seem self-contradictory, but when explained points out a truth. a) Simile b) Paradox c) Personification d) Onomatopoeia 11) A phrase that has two seemingly contradictory terms beside each other. a) Oxymoron b) Repetition c) Allusion d) Hyperbole 12) The repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of sentences next to each other. a) Personification b) Anaphora c) Repetition d) Hyperbole 13) A play on words that uses a word’s multiple meanings to show wit or humor. a) Allusion b) Pun c) Alliteration d) Personification

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