1) What is the correct spelling of a) Me b) Mee c) Mi 2) What is the correct spelling of a) Ann b) An c) Ane 3) What is the correct spelling of a) Inn b) Ine c) In 4) What is the correct spelling of a) Att b) At c) Aet 5) What is the correct spelling of a) Ite b) Itt c) It 6) What is the correct spelling of a) Goo b) Goe c) Go 7) What is the correct spelling of a) The b) Tee c) Thee 8) What is the correct spelling of a) C b) See c) Cee 9) What is the correct spelling of a) a b) aa c) ae 10) What is the correct spelling of a) Am b) Ame c) Amm 11) What is the correct spelling of a) Lyke b) Like c) Lik 12) What is the correct spelling of a) I b) Ie c) Iee 13) What is the correct spelling of a) No b) Noo c) Know 14) What is the correct spelling of a) Soe b) Soo c) So 15) What is the correct spelling of a) Yu b) You c) Yoo 16) What is the correct spelling of a) My b) Mye c) Mi 17) What is the correct spelling of a) Is b) Iss c) ys 18) What is the correct spelling of a) Kan b) Cane c) Can 19) What is the correct spelling of a) one b) on c) onn 20) What is the correct spelling of a) Up b) Upp c) Upe 21) What is the correct spelling of a) Wee b) Wi c) We 22) What is the correct spelling of a) Doo b) Do c) Doe 23) What is the correct spelling of a) Toe b) To c) Tu 24) What is the correct spelling of a) And b) Ane c) Ande 25) What is the correct spelling of a) He b) Hee c) Hei

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