1) Public Opinion a) A method of systematically questioning a small, selected sample of respondents who are deemed representative of the total population b) A poll that is taken continuously—sometimes every day—to determine how support for an issue or candidate changes over time c) The aggregate of individual attitudes or beliefs shared by some portion of the population d) The degree to which individuals express trust in the government and political institutions, usually measured through a specific series of survey questions 2) Political Socialization a) The formal structure and leadership of a political party, that contributes significantly to the shaping of attitudes and beliefs b) The practice of rewarding faithful party workers and followers with government employment and contracts c) Linking oneself to a particular political party d) The process by which people acquire political beliefs and values 3) Peer Group a) A group consisting of members who share common social characteristics. Such groups play an important part in the socialization process, helping to shape attitudes and beliefs b) The method through which individuals acquire political opinions and ideals. c) A small group of persons who, under the direction of a professional consultant, discuss candidates and topics in order to obtain ideas and replies. d) A group of persons with same aims who strive to exert influence on policymakers 4) Agenda Setting a) Considered by the political community to deserve public notice and government intervention b) Determining which public-policy questions will be debated or considered c) In a media report, the technique of embedding an issue in particular examples or story lines to alter public perceptions of the issue d) Publicly perceived issues that deserve public attention and government intervention 5) Public Agenda a) In a media report, the strategy of embedding a topic inside specific instances or narratives in order to influence public views of the issue b) Determining which public-policy questions will be debated or considered c) Issues that are perceived by the political community as meriting public attention and governmental action d) Publicly perceived issues that deserve public attention and government intervention 6) Interest Group a) A group who can influence the views of others due to their position, knowledge, or personality. b) A group that seeks to influence the passage, defeat, or substance of legislation and administrative decisions made by the government. c) An organized group of individuals sharing common objectives who actively attempt to influence policymakers d) A collection of political activists who organize in order to win elections, run the government, and decide public policy. 7) Political Party a) A group of political activists who organize to win elections, operate the government, and determine public policy b) A group that seeks to influence the passage, defeat, or substance of legislation and administrative decisions made by the government. c) A group of persons with same aims who strive to exert influence on policymakers d) A group who can influence the views of others due to their position, knowledge, or personality. 8) Lobbyist a) A collection of political activists who organize in order to win elections, run the government, and decide public policy. b) A group of persons with same aims who strive to exert influence on policymakers c) One who is able to influence the opinions of others because of position, expertise, or personality d) An organization or individual who attempts to influence the passage, defeat, or content of legislation and the government’s administrative decisions 9) Party Organization a) A meeting of party members to select candidates and propose policies b) The formal structure and leadership of a political party, including election committees; local, state, and national executives; and paid professional staff c) The meeting held every four years by each major party to select presidential and vice-presidential candidates, write a platform, choose a national committee, and conduct party business d) A document drawn up at each national convention, outlining the policies, positions, and principles of the party 10) Divided Government a) A situation in which one major political party controls the presidency and the other controls one or more chambers of Congress, or in which one party controls a state governorship and the other controls the state legislature b) A political system in which only two parties have a reasonable chance of winning c) A large-scale, lasting change in the types of voters who support each of the major political parties d) The divergence of political attitudes away from the center, towards ideological extremes 11) Majority Opinion a) A court opinion that reflects the majority of the judges' viewpoints b) A court opinion or determination on which all judges agree c) A court opinion that reflects the majority of the judges' viewpoints, but may vary from judge to judge d) A court opinion reflecting the views of the majority of the judges and public 12) Direct democracy a) a state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch, gives interest groups the opportunity to promote their policy proposals through initiatives and referenda b) Electorate decides on policy initiatives without elected representatives as proxies, gives interest groups the opportunity to promote their policy proposals through initiatives and referenda c) a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives, gives interest groups the opportunity to promote their policy proposals through initiatives and referenda 13) Rule of 4 a) A United States Supreme Court procedure by which four justices must vote to veto a petition for review b) A procedure which allows four justices to veto a petition for review which has been approved c) If a matter is to be heard by the entire Supreme Court, four justices must decide to approve a petition for review 14) Primary Election a) An election to select members for a local council b) An election to decide who will be elected to different elected posts. c) An election in which political parties choose their candidates for the general election d) A statewide primary election of delegates to a political party’s national convention, held to determine a party’s presidential nominee 15) General Election a) An election to elect local council members b) An election that determines who will fill various elected positions c) An election when political parties pick their candidates for the general election. d) An election of delegates to a political party's national convention, conducted to decide the presidential candidate of the party. 16) Focus Group a) A group of people who have similar social qualities. b) An advisory group selected by the president to aid in making decisions c) An organized group of people with similar goals who actively seek to influence officials. d) A small group of individuals who are led in discussion by a professional consultant to gather opinions on, and responses to, candidates and issues 17) Federal Election Commission a) The federal regulatory agency with the task of enforcing federal campaign laws. As a practical matter, it is largely limited to collecting data on campaign contributions. b) The Commission considered community geography and neighborhood compositions over political advantages associated with incumbency c) An independent regulatory body, to monitor: lobbyists to register with the secretary of state, file quarterly reports on their campaign-related activities,and reveal the beneficiaries of their donations d) The federal regulatory agency with the task of monitoring votes 18) Judicial Activism a) A doctrine holding that governmental bodies should take an active role by using its powers to check the activities of the federal judiciary when those bodies exceed their authority b) A doctrine holding that courts should defer to the decisions made by the elected representatives of the people in the legislative and executive branches when possible c) The notion that the federal court should play a more active role in governance by utilizing its powers to check the acts of governmental agencies when they exceed their jurisdiction d) A doctrine holding that the federal judiciary should take an active role by using its powers to exceed its authority and check the activities of governmental bodies 19) Judicial Restraint a) The notion that the courts should defer to the choices made by the people's elected representatives in the legislative and executive branches when possible b) A doctrine holding that the federal judiciary should take an active role by using its powers to check the activities of governmental bodies when those bodies exceed their authority c) A doctrine holding that courts should defer to the decisions made by the elected representatives of the people in the legislative and executive branches consistently d) A doctrine holding that courts should not defer to the decisions made by the elected representatives of the people in the legislative and executive branches 20) Senatorial Courtesy a) In county district court judgeship nominations, a tradition allowing a senator to veto a judicial appointment in their state b) In federal district court judgeship nominations, a tradition not allowing a senator to veto a judicial appointment c) A tradition which allows a senator to veto a judicial appointment in her or his state when it comes to federal district court judgeship nominees d) In federal district court judgeship nominations, a tradition allowing a senator to veto a judicial appointment 21) Dissenting Opinion a) A separate opinion prepared by a judge who supports the decision of the majority of the court but for different reasons b) A separate opinion in which a judge expresses his or her own opinions on the matter and expresses his or her disagreement with the majority's result c) A separate opinion in which a judge expresses his or her own opinions on the matter and expresses his or her disagreement with the Minority’s result d) A separate opinion prepared by a judge who supports the decision of the minority of the court but for different reasons 22) Concurring Opinion a) A distinct opinion written by a judge who concurs with the majority of the court's ruling but for different reasons b) A separate opinion in which a judge expresses his or her own opinions on the matter and expresses his or her disagreement with the Minority’s result c) A separate opinion in which a judge dissents from (disagrees with) the conclusion reached by the majority of the court and expounds his or her own views about the case d) A separate opinion prepared by a judge who supports the decision of the minority of the court but for different reasons 23) Precedent a) The arguments presented in person by attorneys to an appellate court b) To annul or make void a court ruling on account of some error or irregularity c) The way in which court decisions are translated into action d) A court ruling that will have an impact on future legal decisions in comparable instances 24) Jurisdiction a) A court's authority to decide specific cases. Every court has the power to determine every case. Two jurisdictional concerns are where a case begins and what the case's subject matter is b) A court's authority to decide specific cases. Not every court has the power to determine every case. Two jurisdictional concerns are the approval of cases and what the case's subject matter is c) When a court for legal reasons does not have authority over the parties to a case or the subject matter of the case d) A court's authority to decide specific cases. Not every court has the power to determine every case. Two jurisdictional concerns are where a case begins and what the case's subject matter is 25) Amicus Curiae Brief a) An order issued by a higher court to a lower court to send up the record of a case for review b) A written legal argument submitted by a third party who is not directly engaged in the case but is interested in the outcome c) A written legal argument filed by a third party, who is directly involved in the litigation and has an interest in the outcome of the case d) A written legal argument filed by a first party, who is directly involved in the litigation and has an interest in the outcome of the case 26) Writ of Certiorari a) A written legal argument filed by a third party, who is not directly involved in the litigation but who has an interest in the outcome of the case b) An order issued by a lower court to a higher court to send up the record of a case for review c) A higher court's order to a subordinate court to submit the case's record up for review d) An order issued by a higher court to a lower court to cease the record of a case for review 27) Oral Argument a) A statement by a judge or a court of the decision reached in a case. An opinion sets forth the applicable law and details the reasoning on which the ruling was based b) Attorneys' arguments delivered before a trial court in person c) The arguments presented in person by attorneys to an appellate court. d) Judicial interpretations of common law principles and doctrines, as well as interpretations of constitutional law, statutory law, and administrative law 28) Political Action Committee a) A committee set up by and representing a corporation, labor union, or interest group. These committees raise campaign donations b) A standing committee of a national political party established to direct and coordinate party activities between national party conventions c) A political organization that aggregates unlimited contributions by individuals and organizations to be spent independently of candidate committees d) A legislative committee composed of members from both chambers of Congress 29) Soft Money a) Political spending by PACs, groups, and people that is not coordinated with candidate campaigns or political parties is unregulated. b) Campaign contributions unregulated by federal or state law, usually given to parties and party committees to help fund general party activities c) Federally regulated campaign contributions and other moneys spent to influence the outcome of a federal election d) Contributions given directly to candidates 30) Independent Expenditures a) Unregulated political expenditures by PACs, organizations, and individuals that are not coordinated with candidate campaigns or political parties b) Unregulated by federal or state law, campaign donations are often provided to parties and party committees to assist support general party activity. c) A political campaign communication that expressly advocates for the election or defeat of a clearly identified candidate that is not made in cooperation, consultation or concert with; or at the request or suggestion of a candidate, candidate's authorized committee or political party d) Regulated political expenditures by PACs, organizations, and individuals that are not coordinated with candidate campaigns or political parties
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