1) The politician experienced a severe ________ from the side of the electorate a) gateway b) backlash c) whiplash 2) Behind the revolution was predominantly ___________ a) mob mentalitet b) mob mentality c) mob mindset 3) Being lured into the gypsy camp, he was left completely a) backlashed b) winded up c) ripped off 4) Having broken even after a period of slow recovery, they accidentally decided to close the company and ____________ the business a) rip off b) wind up c) go after 5) Sometimes a tendency of ______________ politicians resembles a kind of a flash mob a) winding up b) calling off c) going after d) chopping 6) Don't be a jerk. You shouldn't __________ him __________ for every minor mistake he makes a) rip - off b) cut - out c) call - out 7) Unfortunately, I am snowed under with work and am going to ask you to _______ the meeting a) call out b) wind up c) call off 8) Vaccination still remains a ________ topic. The disagreement regarding its efficiency still persists a) offensive b) contentious c) accountable 9) Corruption is the main issue ________ our development a) hampering b) offending c) enhancing

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