Art and Design - I teach you all about famous artists. Students learn how to draw, paint, sculpt, or build. Your marks depend on your creativity., German - I am the study of a language which is originally from Berlin. In my class, students read, learn new words and discuss different topics. I also teach students my grammar rules., Biology - I am the study of living organisms. Students use microscopes to study small organisms., Geography - Students learn about my oceans, my land forms, my climates, and other topics connected to the physical Earth. Students also study the location of countries and capitals as part of my subject., Maths - I deal with numbers. Young students practice basic operations, which are adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing. Older students can practice more advanced topics such as algebra, number theory, logic,, History - People study my past events, bad and good times many many years ago., Music - People read my notes in order to play instruments such as the guitar, the saxophone, the flute, or the piano., PE - Pupils are very active at my class. You can also learn how to play a sport or two in my class., ICT - I am the study of different programs. My students learn how to create apps and websites., Literature - I am about writers and books. Students read and discuss a lot at my lessons,

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