1) How much time do you have to get the BMAT assessment completed after admission and then how often should it be done thereafter? a) Within 2 hours of admission or transfer to the unit, then with changes. b) Within 4 hours of admission/transfer to the unit, then once a shift or with changes. c) What is a BMAT? d) You have until the end of the shift and if you can't get it done you hand it off in bedside shift report. 2) How often must you assess a central line? a) Never, because only Vascular Access assesses central lines b) Every four hours. c) When I get audited by the charge nurse. d) Assess once per shift and with changes. 3) How often and when does peri care need to be done and documented if a catheter is inserted? a)  Peri-Care needs to be completed twice a day at 1000 and 2200 and after every bowel movement b) Only when indicated. c) Once per shift. d) Only after a bowel movement. 4) at What does the Hester Davis score tell you?   a) How old Hester is. b) Your patients risk of falling. c) The patient's length of stay. d) The patient's risk of injury. 5) What does the ABCS assessment tell you? a) The patient's ability to see an eye chart. b) If the patient is intoxicated or not. c) The patient's risk of injury if they fall. d) It's the CIWA score.

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