come up with - produce something, especially when pressured or challenged, looking forward to - expect (something) with pleasure, run into someone - meet someone you know when you are not expecting to, break up with someone - end a romantic relationship with someone, ask out - invite someone out socially, like a date, set up a business - start one's own business, go against one’s principles - do something that is in opposition or contrary to one's values or beliefs, live up to someone’s expectations - be as good as or have the qualities that someone predicted, expected, or hoped for, make up an excuse - invent an explanation for something, especially in order to avoid being punished or embarrassed, put up with - accept or tolerate someone or something unpleasant, go along with something - support an idea, or to agree with someone's opinion, put ideas across - communicate or explain your ideas, beliefs etc in a way that people can understand, break down (machine) - suddenly cease to function, run out - use something completely so that nothing is left, run down (battery) - lose power or stop working, take up - start doing something regularly as a habit, job, or interest, come into a lot of money - get some money unexpectedly, usually by inheritance, go through (things) - examine or search something very carefully, go over something - study, examine or explain something again, look up to - admire and respect someone,


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