1) What is Your Favorite...? 2) What is your favorite book? 3) What is your favorite song? 4) What is your favorite color? 5) If you could be any animal, what would you be? 6) If you could open a store, what would you sell? 7) If you could grow anything in the garden, what would it be? 8) What is the best smell? 9) What would you do if you made the rules at home? 10) If you got to choose what’s for dinner, what would you pick? 11) If your favorite toy could talk, what would it say? 12) What’s the silliest thing you can think of? 13) Would you rather be as small as a mouse or as big as an elephant? 14) When you become a grown-up, what’s the first thing you want to do? 15) What is something you are really good at? 16) What do you want to be when you grow up? 17) What makes you feel nervous? 18) If you could be a superhero, what would your powers be? 19) If you could trade places with anyone for a day, who would it be? 20) If you could be any age, what would it be? 21) If you had $50 what would you spend it on? 22) What is the hardest part about going to school? 23) What is the most annoying sound? 24) What is the funniest thing that has happened to you? 25) If you could be a character from any book, who would you be? 26) Who is the best superhero and why? 27) If you could get rid of one thing in the world, what would it be? 28) What is something you want to learn how to do? 29) What was the best part of your day? 30) When was the last time you made someone smile?


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