Relief Map - Map which shows land forms and their respective heights, Grid - Lines of latitude and longitude on a map which determine absolute location of any given point on the Earth's surface, Cardinal Points - Four main directions on a compass (North, South, East, and West), Latitude - Imaginary lines going east to west measuring how far north or south from the equator a location is, Key (Legend) - A area on a map, usually a chart or table, which explains any of symbols on a map, Compass - Shows the direction on a map which, especially north, Elevation - Height of the earth's surface above or below sea level, Contour - Lines drawn a map to show levels of elevation above or below sea level, Prime Meridian - Imaginary line of longitude which is considered to be at 0°, Scale - Used to determine actual distance on a map from one point to another, Physical Map - Map which shows the natural regions and features, Sea Level - The surface of the ocean, Altitude - Height measured above sea level, Political Map - Map that shows the political borders of nations, states, countries or cities, Equator - Imaginary line of latitude drawn around the largest circumference of the Earth and is located halfway between the North Pole and the South Pole, Longitude - Imaginary lines going north to south measuring how far east or west from the prime meridian a location is,

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