Antonio Margil de Jesus - Franciscan priest who helped establish missions in Texas including San Miguel de los Adaes, San Jose y San Miguel de Aguayo., Fort St. Louis - French settlement built by La Salle inland of Matagorda Bay in 1685., Francisco Hidalgo - Franciscan priest who helped establish San Juan Bautista mission along the Rio Grande., Fray Damian Massanet - founder of the first Spanish mission in east Texas, Friar - a Spanish priest, Jose de Escandon - Colonizer and first governor of Nuevo Santander. Established a total of 24 settlements including Laredo in 1755., La Bahia - Nuestra Senora de Loreto de la Bahia del Espiritu Santo was a presidio established by Marques San Miguel de Aguayo. It became one of the largest settlements in Texas., Mission - Religious communities established by Spanish Catholics. Purpose of the mission was to convert American Indians to Catholicism and teach them the Spanish way of life., Presidio - a military fort, San Francisco de los Tejas - The first Spanish mission in east Texas built in response to the La Salle expedition.,



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