Adams-Onis Treaty - agreement signed by Spain and the U.S. in 1819 to set boundary between U.S. & Spain, Agustin de Iturbide - former leader of Spanish forces that defeated the Spanish in 1821, Battle of Medina - General Joaquin de Arredondo defeated the rebels of the Republican Army of the North, Grito de Dolores - Miguel Hidalgo's call for Mexico to fight for its independence on September 16, 1810, Jose Gutierrez de Lara - co-commander of the Republican Army of the North, Louisiana Purchase - France sold Louisiana to the U.S. for $15 million, Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla - a Creole priest from Dolores, Mexico who was a leader in the fight for Mexico's independence, Republican Army of the North - an army of Mexican and U.S. citizens who fought for independence from Spanish rule, Tejanos - Texas settlers of Spanish descent, Cede - to give officially, Siege - a military blockade of a city or fort,

Mexico's Independence


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