Legislative Branch - only branch that existed under the AOC, 9 of 13 states - required in order for a law to be made, Township - each section had 640 acres of land, one vote - all states were equal, States - Under the AOC power was held by the, Shay's Rebellion - showed weaknesses of the government, Northwest Ordinance - created procedures for orderly expansion, Articles of Confederation - 1st national constitution of the U.S., Northwest Territory - Land obtained by U.S. by Treaty of Paris, all 13 states - approval required to change AOC, Constitutional Convention - Meeting held in 1787 to revise the AOC, Land Ordinance of 1785 - selling of land starting at $1.00, National Government - intentionally created weak, Tax & Control Trade - Powers denied to national government, Powers of the national government - declare war, sign treaties, borrow money,

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