Constitution - a plan for governing a nation, ratify - to agree, amend - to change, Bill of Rights - the first 10 amendments to the constitution, due process - ensures that all citizens are treated equally and fairly when accused of a crime, double jeopardy - being tried twice for the same crime , citizen - having all the rights and responsibilities of belonging to a country, naturalization - the process of becoming a citizen, propose - to put forward an idea or plan; to suggest, Taking the Fifth - refusing to speak in court because it is protected by the fifth amendment, 15th amendment - Gave African American men the right to vote, 24th amendment - Outlawed poll taxes, 26th amendment - lowered the voting age to 18, E pluribus unum - "out of many, one" motto of US, 19th amendment - gave women the right to vote,

Government and Civic Understandings


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