complete, completes, completion, completions, +1 points, +lose all points, + 5 points, -2 points, select, initial, opted against playing, participated in, direct, direction, + get same number of points as opponent, + 10 points , miracle, miracles, strike, strikeouts, "they had never had", "most innings pitched", "then they surprised", ex pen sive, expensive, boil, boils, boiled, boiling, easy, easier, easiest, strand, stands, exhale, inquire (to ask), dispute (fight), translate , Please don't exclude me from the game., Turn up the volume on the radio., A snake is a reptile., Please compile your favorite video games over here., Blake will quote a word from the text., Put the plastic cubes on the shelf., Luke went to the baseball clinic in June., What can you conclude from the facts?.

MD 8/26 DBG Vocab + WRS words



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