: Do you think _____ cats are nicer pets than _____ dogs?, Would you prefer to live in _____ big city or _____ quiet village? Why?, How often do you look at _____ Moon?, How often do you go to _____ cafe or _____ restaurant for _____ breakfast/lunch/ dinner?, Which places in your city have _____ best food?, How often do you have _____ lunch at _____ home?, Have you ever forgotten to lock _____ door before you left _____ house?, Do you think _____ men are better drivers than _____ women?, Do you prefer traveling by _____ plane , by _____ train or by _____ car?  Why?, Can you live without _____ Internet ? Why/Why not?, Do you feel relaxed when you're at _____ home or at _____ work?, What do you usually do at _____ weekend ?,

Articles speaking Intermediate


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