1) The ball belongs to the cat a) The cats ball b) The cats' ball c) The cat's ball 2) The collar belongs to the dog a) The dogs' collar b) The dog's collar c) The dogs collar 3) The book belongs to John a) John's book b) Johns' book c) Johns book 4) The giraffes in the enclosure......... a) The giraffes in the enclosure b) The giraffe's in the enclosure c) The giraffes' in the enclosure 5) The den belongs to the lion a) The lion's den b) The lions den c) The lions' den 6) The toy belongs to the girl a) The girls toy b) The girls' toy c) The girl's toy 7) The shoes belong to the child a) The childs shoe's b) The childs' shoes c) The child's shoes 8) The clothes belong to the woman a) The womans clothes' b) The woman's clothes c) The womans' clothes 9) The suits belong to the gentleman a) The gentleman's suits' b) The gentleman's suits c) The gentlemans suits 10) The golf clubs belongs to the man a) The man's golf clubs b) The mans' golf clubs c) The man's golf clubs'

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