Lines air sacs of the lungs, forms walls of capillaries, forms serous membranes - Simple Squamous Epithelium, found in glands of ducts, kidney tubules,  surface of ovaries - Simple Cuboidal Epithelium, lines digestive tract from stomach to anus and cavities that open to the exterior of the body - Simple Columnar Epithelium, found in skin (outer portion), mouth, and esophagus - Stratified Squamous Epithelium, found in urinary tract and uterus - Transitional Epithelium, lines trachea and upper respiratory tract - Ciliated Pseudostratified Squamous/Cuboidal/Columnar Epithelium, found in glands - Glandular Epithelium, found in the skeletal system - Bone Tissue (Connective Tissue), between vertebrae, nose, outer part of ear, covering the ends of bones - Cartilage (Connective Tissue), found in tendons, ligaments, and dermis - Dense Connective Tissue, found anywhere fat is located in the body - Adipose (Loose Connective Tissue), found in Lymph nodes, Spleen, Bone marrow - Reticular (Loose Connective Tissue), flows through blood vessels - Blood (Connective Tissue), covers bone - Skeletal Muscle Tissue, found in heart - Cardiac Muscle Tissue, found in walls of many organs like the stomach - Smooth Muscle Tissue, found in the brain, spinal cord, and nerves that run all over the body - Nervous Tissue,

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