spring up - appear or to be produced suddenly and quickly, fix the bandwidth problem - try to increase the volume of information that can be sent over a connection in a measured amount of time – calculated in megabits per second (Mbps)., A caveat - a warning of a specific limitation of something such as information or an agreement., A seductive idea - a very attractive idea, A rebuke - sharp disapproval and criticism, Overbearring - domineering; dictatorial;, Immutable - fixed, permanent, stable, Warped incentives - weird or strange stimulus, have skin in the game - be directly involved in or affected by something, especially financially:, be scornful of - you show that you do not like or respect them., creep in - gradually start to affect or change something, pertain to - to be directly related to something, contradiction in terms - a phrase that contains words which have very different or opposite meanings, speculative bubble - A rapid but often short-lived run-up in prices, to lure people - to trick them into a particular place or to trick them into doing something that they should not do., perennial problems - lasting throughout the year or through many years, entrench inequality - to fix or establish firmly difference in social status, phoney - you disapprove of it because it is false rather than genuine.,

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