1) We went to the mall and _______ to the grocery store. a) then b) than 2) Maxx is taller _______ Miss Yoder. a) then b) than 3) I am going _____ the dance tomorrow. a) to b) two c) too 4) I really hope my ______ favorite teachers will be at the dance. a) to b) two c) too 5) My bestie, Kimora, is coming ______. a) to b) two c) too 6) Nealie is not ______ to go to the bathroom. a) allowed b) aloud 7) Miss Yoder will read the test ______ for you. a) allowed b) aloud 8) We cannot ____ late work. a) accept b) except 9) Nothing prevents me from being a writer _____ laziness. a) accept b) except 10) We _____ going to the football game on Friday night. a) are b) our 11) _____ dog is five years old. a) are b) our 12) One _____of being underweight is hair loss. a) effect b) affect 13) Seeing thin models ____ young girls' self-esteem.  a) effect b) affect 14) That is ____ new teacher Mr. Rummel. a) their b) there c) they're 15) After Catalina and her mom go to New York ______ going to York, PA. a) their b) there c) they're 16) The cute dog is for sale over _______ at the pet shop. a) their b) there c) they're 17) Stephen, is that _____ hockey puck? a) your b) you're 18) _____ the funniest person I know! a) your b) you're 19) _____ snowing outside! a) its b) it's 20) ______ beaches are clean and sandy. a) its b) it's

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