Description: cytoplasm of a muscle fiber, move the skeleton, attached to the bone, voluntary, striated, multinucleate, contract and relax rapidly, found in bundles, attach muscles to bone, attach bone to bone, bundles of muscle fibers (muscle cells), smaller protein structures that make up myofibrils; responsible for contraction and give the striated appearance of the muscle, another name for a muscle cell, contractile unit of the myofibrils within a muscle cell, plasma membrane of a muscle cell, covers the fascicles, covers the whole muscle, Muscle group, fascicle, muscle fiber, myofibrils, myofilaments, heart, involuntary, multinucleate, branched, striations, responsible for heart beat, contract and relax at a moderate rate, covers a muscle fiber (muscle cell), long ribbon-like organelles that make up muscle cells; allow it to contract, thick filament, thin filament, made up of bundles of fascicles, walls of hollow organs; arranged in sheets; spindle shaped, uninucleate, not capable of rapid contraction, moves substances in the body, not striated, involuntary, produce movement, stabilize posture, stabilize joints, generate movement, Term: sarcoplasm, skeletal muscle, tendon, ligament, fascicle, myofilaments, muscle fiber, sarcomere, sarcolemma, perimysium, epimysium, Makeup of muscle group in order from superficial to deep, cardiac muscle, endomysium, myofibril, myosin, actin, whole muscle, smooth muscle, functions of muscular system,

Skeletal Muscle Anatomy Matching



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