1) p. 1012 I can pray to my Heavenly Father a) Only with my eyes tightly closed. b) Anytime, anywhere c) Only at dinner time.  2) p. 1005 I sing because I'm free- for His eye a) is on the sparrow b) has lots of tears from allergies c) needs new glasses 3) p. 1006 When can we think a sacred song? a) When playing music really loudly. b) When I am sleeping c) When scared or feeling sad 4) p. 88 On a golden springtime, Jesus Christ awoke and a) left the tomb where he can lain b) told Peter to walk on the water c) and nicely folded his blanket 5) p. 281 The wise man built his house a) In Orangevale, CA b) On the rock. c) On the sand. 6) p. 64 What did Jesus eat when he came to those he loved? a) and of the fish and honey comb, He did truly eat b) a sandwich c) fried lentils 7) p. 68 What did the people cry when Jesus came down in a white robe from heaven? a) Who is that? b) The ran away because they were hungry.  c) Hosanna! Blessed be the name of the Most High God! 8) p. 156 Why do the chapel doors say Shhhhhh, be still? a) The chapel is a sacred place to take the sacrament b) Faith is like a seed c) Hope is faith’s best friend 9) P. 96 Faith is knowing a) Joseph Smith lived in New York b) The Lord will hear my prayers each time I pray c) Russsell M. Nelson was a doctor.

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