1) Emma is a great .............. . She is reliable, honest and helpful. a) buddy b) sneaky c) fair d) loyal 2) I don't like Carl much. He sometimes tells lies to me. He isn't ................. . a) mean b) unreliable c) honest d) self-centered 3) Betül is my best friend. because when I need her, she always ............ me up. a) sends b) backs c) invite d) join 4) My close friend and I have similar interests. For example; We both love rap music and going skating. We have many things .................. . a) join b) good relationship c) get on well d) in common 5) How about .............. to the cinema together? a) to go b) would you like c) going d) shall we 6) A - Would you like to eat out? B- ..................., I'm too busy today. a) I' love to b) Why not? c) That sounds good. d) Oh I'm sorry 7) Would you like to .................? a) a sandwich b) a cup of coffee c) eat a hamburger d) eating a hamburger 8) A- What are you doing on Tuesday? B- ......................................................... ? a) No, thanks b) That is a good idea. c) I am going to visit my uncle.  d) This idea sounds great

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