In the bonds between the phosphate molecules - Where is the energy in ATP stored?, This is the name applied to the cycle by which ATP are broken down to ADP with the release of energy, and the regeneration of ATP from ADP through the process of phosphorylation. - ATP/ADP Cycle, enzyme that catalyzes the reaction that adds a high-energy phosphate group to ADP to form ATP - ATP Synthase, By adding a phosphate group to ADP - How is ADP recycled into ATP?, it used for cellular functions - What happens to the energy that is released from ATP?, ADP - Where does ATP come from?, Adenosine Diphosphate - ADP stands for, when the bond between the 2nd and 3rd phosphate group is broken - How is energy from ATP released?, glucose in the food we eat - Where does the energy used to create ATP come from, 3 - Number of phosphates in ATP, provides chemical energy within cell - What is the purpose/function of ATP?, adenine, ribose, and 3 phosphate groups - What are the components of an ATP molecule, ATP--->ADP +P+ENERGY - equation for ATP, Adenosine triphosphate - What does ATP stand for?,

ATP Structure and Cycle



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