Movement away from the midline of the body - Abduction, Movement toward the midline of the body - Adduction, the circular movement at the far end of a limb - Circumduction, What happens if the nerve supply to a muscle is destroyed? - the muscle loses tone, becomes paralyzed, and atrophies, ability to resume its resting length after being stretched. - Elasticity, defined as the ability to forcibly shorten when an adequate stimulus is received - Contractibility, movement that bends the foot upward at the ankle - Dorsiflexion, covers the muscle group - Epimysium, Produce movement, stabilize joints, stabilize posture, generate movement - Functions of muscular system, covers the fascicles - perimysium, Movement of the thumb to touch the fingertips - opposition, Number of muscle fibers contracting, relative size of muscle - What is the force of a contraction affected by?, Resistance exercise (Ex: weight lifting or isometric exercise); leads to muscle hypertrophy; leads to strength but not stamina; causes an increase in size rather than increase in the number of muscle fibers - Anaerobic/ isometric /resistance exercise, one neuron and all the muscle cells it stimulates. - motor unit, a muscle whose contraction moves a part of the body directly - agonist, Makes the existing muscle fiber larger - How does resistance exercise make person bulkier?, a muscle whose action counteracts that of another specified muscle - antagonist, creatine phosphate - 15 seconds of ATP; anaerobic glycolysis-30/40 seconds of ATP; aerobic glycolysis - ATP for several hours of light exercise - 3 ways in which ATP can be produced in muscle, fascicles - The whole muscle is composed of muscle cells (fibers) grouped in bundles called, Muscle group/whole muscle, fascicle, muscle fiber, myofibrils, myofilaments - List the all the components that make up a muscle group in order from superficial to deep., decrease in the mass of muscle/ deterioration of muscle fibers - atrophy, 1.Calcium ions enter the axon terminal; 2.acetylcholine (ACh) (neurotransmitter) is released;3. ACh causes Na+ rush into the cell and K+ to rush out; 4. Na+ ions cause an ACTION POTENTIAL to travel the length of the muscle cell ; 5. Action potential cause the myosin heads to attach to the actin sliding over each other; 6. The sarcomere shortens/ a contraction;7. Repolarization (K+ on the inside, Na+) causes the muscle to relax  - Muscle contraction steps, myofilaments made of myosin; have rod like tails ending in globular heads; pull on actin to shorten sarcomere - thick filaments,

Muscular System Review Part 1



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