attaches muscle to bone - tendons, Endurance Exercise (ex-swimming, jogging, fast walking, biking); increase in capillaries, mitochondria, skeletal health, respiratory and cardiovascular health - aerobic exercise, any of the muscles that decrease the angle between bones on two sides of a joint, as in bending the elbow or knee. - flexor, bends the foot downward at the ankle - plantar flexion, Turning the sole of the foot inward - inversion, revolving a bone around its axis - rotation, myofilaments made of actin; binding sites for myosin - thin filaments, moving the sole of the foot outward at the ankle - eversion, Bending at a joint or decreasing the angle between two bones - flexion, Straightening a joint or increasing the angle between two bones - extension, defined as the ability to receive and respond to a stimulus. - irritability/excitability, Move the skeleton; attached to the bones; voluntary control; striated; multi-nucleated; contract and relax rapidly; found in bundles - skeletal muscle, Rotation of the forearm and hand to turn the palm up - suppination, contractile unit of the myofibrils within a muscle cell - sarcomere, continuous contraction of some of the muscle fibers; keeps muscles healthy and ready to react - muscle tone, By direction of muscle fibers; relative size; location; number of origins; by origin and insertion; shape; action of the muscle - How are muscles named?, heart; involuntary; uninucleate; branched bundles; striated; responsible for heart beating - cardiac muscle, rotation of the forearm and hand to turn the palm downward - pronation, covers the muscle fiber - endomysium, walls of hollow organs; spindle shaped; uninucleate; not capable of rapid contraction; involuntary; non striated - smooth muscle, attaches bone to bone - ligaments, ability to be stretched or extended (beyond resting length) - extensibility, any muscle that increase the angle between bones on two sides of a joint - extensor,

Muscular System Review Part 2



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