Technology is imrpoving all the time. We've got many new gadgets., I think I've improved my marks recently. I used to have some 8s and 9s. Now I get 10s and 11s., We should enhance healthcare system by buying more equipment., Our country needs enhancements in education., I had many problems. Now the things are looking up., Dancers need to be flexible to make difficult movements., I don't like doing household chores like cooking, mopping the floor, and dusting., I've always wanted a mobile phone with a curved screen., It's difficult to sway my friends to do something I want. They're very stubborn., I hate it when my cats scratch my hands. They hurt after that., This T-shirt is old, but wearable., A smartwatch is a wearable device., I've transitioned from the 8th to 9th year of school., It's not the final model of I-phone. It's transitional.,

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