central nervous system - brain and spinal cord; our body’s speedy electrochemical messaging system, peripheral nervous system - includes the nerves and ganglia; somatic and autonomic=two divisions, ganglia - clusters of nerve cell bodies outside central nervous system, somatic nervous system - The system is responsible for nearly all voluntary muscle movements, as well as for processing sensory information, autonomic nervous system - regulates a variety of involuntary body processes that take place, including heartbeat, blood flow, breathing, body temperature, etc, sympathetic nervous system - By regulating the flight-or-fight response, this system prepares the body to expend energy to respond to environmental threats, parasympathetic nervous system - "Rest and Digest"; helps maintain normal body functions and conserve physical resources., reflex arc - include sensory nerves that carry signals to the spinal cord and then immediately transmit signals down to muscles that triggered the reflex., neuron - the cells responsible for receiving sensory input from the external world, for sending motor commands to our muscles; 86 billion in body, efferent nerves - sends signals away from the Central Nervous System, afferent nerves - sends signals into the Central Nervous System,

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