What are the products of aerobic respiration? - Water, carbon dioxide and energy (in the form of ATP), How much ATP is made by anaerobic respiration? - 2 ATP, Do all eukaryotic cells, even plants do Cellular Respiration? Why or why not? - Yes because once the glucose is made it must be broken down to make ATP, Does glycolysis use oxygen? - No, WHY do cells need to do cellular respiration? What's the point? - To make ATP, The presence of what element determines whether aerobic or anaerobic cellular respiration will happen? - Oxygen, An organisms that consumes other organisms for food is called a - heterotroph, Cellular respiration _________ oxygen - uses, What is the role/job/function of the electron transport chain in aerobic cellular respiration? - It takes the energy from the bonds of all the NADH and FADH produced and converts it to ATP., cellular respiration ____ carbon dioxide - makes, An organism that makes its own food by photosynthesis is called an - autotroph, What molecules store energy and is absolutely essential for CR? - NADH and FADH2, Carbon dioxide is a ____________ in photosynthesis - reactant, Which process produces the most ATP - aerobic or anaerobic Cellular Respiration? - aerobic cellular respiration, Photosynthesis _____________ oxygen. - releases, What are the reactants/ingredients for the Electron Transport Chain (ETC)? - 10 NADH molecules and 2 FADH2 molecules made by glycolysis and Krebs Cycle,

Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration



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