a deck - a floor of a ship, a cabin - a private room or compartment on a ship, a passenger - a person who is travelling, a crew - the group of people who operate a ship, vessel - a ship or large boat, on-board facilities - restaurants, pools, clubs on a ship, be seasick - feel unwell because of the rocking motion a boat or ship makes as it travels on the water, a pleasure voyage - sail or travel about for pleasure, relaxation, or sightseeing, a Gangway - a board or passage that joins a ship, aircraft, or building to the land or to another building, for people to walk along:, cruise itinerary - a detailed plan or route of a journey, Port of departure - means the port at which the vessel commenced its current voyage;, Shore excursion - an organized activity you may choose to do when in a port, Embarkation day - The first day of your cruise and the best day in a cruiser’s life,

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