nofio - swimming, beicio mynydd - mountain biking, darllen - reading, pysgota - fishing, gwrando ar fiwsig - listening to music, gwylio’r teledu - watching television , gwneud gymnasteg - doing gymnastics, gwneud fideos TikTok - making TikTok videos, chwarae rygbi - playing rugby, chwarae pêl droed - playing football, chwarae pêl rwyd - playing net ball, chwarae gemau compiwter - playing computer games, bowlio deg - ten pin bowling, mynd i’r sinema - going to the cinema, siopa - shopping, syrffio'r wê - surfing the internet, paentio ac arlunio - painting and drawing, gwylio ffilmiau - watching films, bwyta... - eating..., dawnsio - dancing,

Hobiau - 2022


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