George’s ____ to protecting and caring for Lennie is both a significant sign of his ____ and loyalty but also the frequent ____ to their life together. As ranch workers, he and Lennie travel from job to job, lacking ____ and ____, both of which George craves: the ability to be his own person, not following the orders of someone else. He often ____ his situation but this never alters his protection of Lennie. He does change during the story: we learn he once found pleasure in ____ Lennie until he realises how unfair it was. The dream he shares with Lennie, of owning their own land, is told so frequently that we have to question whether this is merely a ____ or something which he truly believes is attainable. Ultimately, he is able to make an incredibly difficult choice but we are left with the sense that, with it, he abandons the idealistic dreams he once had.

Character Profile One: George


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